Curricula for disability ministry

The following links are to ministry curricula developed by Jeff & Kathi McNair for use with adults with disabilities. This curricula was developed, taught, revised, taught again and revised again. The links will take you to where you can purchase them.

The Light & Power Company is the name of the ministry Kathi and I started in 1990 to include adults with disabilities at Trinity Church in Redlands, California. Prior to the events of 2020, on a good Sunday we could have 80 people, with and without impairments, participating in worship and Bible study. We also have many events across the year. The curricula begins with a detailed description of our perspective on ministry to persons with disabilities. It has been widely circulated and used in many places in the US and internationally.

FREE DOWNLOAD Lessons from the Light & Power Company: Philippians

Available at

Lessons from The Light & Power Company: The Psalms

Lessons from The Light & Power Company: Romans

Lessons from The Light & Power Company: Hebrews

Lessons from the Light & Power Company: Romans (Volume 2)